超现实主义画家Roberto Matta 在梦的边缘主题 作品展画册

■文件名:Matta︰ On the Edge of a Dream
■简介:Roberto Matta is considered the last great Surrealist painter and the bridge between 20th Century Masters and the Abstract Expressionist Movement. On Thursday, February 15th, New River Fine Art will open Matta: On the Edge of a Dream, a truly extraordinary retrospective featuring original works, sculpture and graphics from one of the most important artists of our time. With over 60 works, it is the most significant Matta exhibition held in a museum or gallery since Chile’s Centennial exhibition in 2011 and acts as a prelude to the Hermitage Museum’s one man show opening later this year. In fact, the Hermitage requested the loan of 9 paintings in New River’s exhibition
罗伯托·马塔Roberto Matta被认为是最后一位伟大的超现实主义画家,也是20世纪大师与抽象表现主义运动之间的桥梁。2月15日,星期四,新河美术馆将举办《玛塔:在梦的边缘》,这是一场真正非同寻常的回顾展,展出我们这个时代最重要的艺术家之一的原创作品、雕塑和图形。这是自2011年智利百周年纪念展以来,在博物馆或画廊举办的最重要的马塔展览,展出了60多件作品,是今年晚些时候隐士博物馆一人展开幕式的前奏。事实上,在新河的展览中,这个隐士馆要求借出9幅画
Matta︰ On the Edge of a Dream


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