佛罗里达海湾大学 第22届学生艺术展年度评审作品集

■文件名:Florida Gulf Coast University Art Galleries
■简介:The FGCU Art Galleries is proud to feature all 66 artworks that were juried into the 22nd Annual Student Juried Exhibition. Jurying of the physical artworks was accomplished right before we shifted to an online-only presence for the rest of the Spring 2020 Semester. In this unprecedented situation, the Gallery Assistants worked diligently to photograph all the works for this online publication. We want to thank all the students who submitted works to the exhibition and to congratulate those who were selected. ~ John Loscuito, Director Florida Gulf Coast University Art Galleries
国外艺术学校本科毕业生学生作品展Florida Gulf Coast University Art Galleries -22nd Annual Juried Student Art Exhibition


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