Botany Illustrated: Introduction to Plants, Major 植物学画报

■文件名:Botany Illustrated: Introduction to Plants, Major 植物学画报PDF下载
■简介:This easy-to-use book helps you acquire a wealth of fascinating information about plants. There are 130 pages with text, each facing 130 pages of beautiful illustrations. Each page is a separate subject. Included is a coloring guide for the realistic illustrations. The illustration pages are composed of scientifically accurate line drawings with the true sizes of the plants indicated. Using colored pencils and the authors’ instructions, you can color the various plant structures to stand out in vivid clarity. Your knowledge of plants increases rapidly as you color the illustrations. There is a balanced selection of subjects that deal with all kinds of plants. However, the emphasis is on flowering plants, which dominate the earth. Drawings show common houseplants, vegetables, fruits, and landscape plants. They also show common weeds, wild flowers, desert plants, water plants, and crop plants. Botany Illustrated, Second Edition, has three sections. An Introduction to Plants gives you facts on everything from cells to seeds. The Major Groups section is from fungi to algae, ferns, conifers, and flowering plants. In Flowering Plant Families are magnolias to asters, and water-plantains to orchids, with the families of major interest included. You will find plants used for food, ornamentals, lumber, medicines, herbs, dyes, and fertilizers, whether wild or poisonous, or of special importance to our Earth’s ecosystem. Topics that will be of interest to you include: Why leaves ‘turn’ color in autumn How certain plants devour insects How a flower develops into a fruit with seeds Why some plants only flower at certain times of the year How water, nutrients, and sugars move within a plant, including tall trees How flowers are pollinated The ‘inside’ story of how plants manufacture their own food How plants are named and classified How vines ‘climb’ Why ‘pinching’ makes plants ‘bushy’ How plants reproduce sexually Why shoots grow towards light How specific leaf colors can indicate specific mineral deficiencies Botany Illustrated, Second Edition, is especially easy to use because of its great flexibility. You can read the text and look at the drawings, read the text and color the drawings, or just enjoy coloring the drawings. No matter where your interests lead you, you will quickly find your knowledge of plants growing! Thus, this beautiful book will be of great value to students, scientists, artists, crafters, naturalists, home gardeners, teachers, and all plant lovers.


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