艺术家Xenia Hausner纽约论坛画廊(Forum Gallery)作品展览目录

■文件名:35 Years of Art and Design at RIC
■简介:Forum Gallery, New York will present the first exhibition in the US in a decade of paintings by Austrian artist Xenia Hausner from November 14, 2019 to January 11, 2020. Since her introduction to American audiences in 2000, Xenia Hausner has exhibited extensively in Europe and China as well as New York and Los Angeles. The current exhibition of twelve striking new paintings precedes a solo retrospective exhibition for the Artist to be presented by The Albertina Museum in Vienna, Austria in April 2020. In the paintings for this exhibition, Xenia Hausner explores the human condition of women today as she responds to the geopolitical issues of our time. Hausner captures the spirit and soul of her subjects as she probes their emotional and personal lives. The paintings are direct, dramatic and boldly expressive in their poignant narratives. Using striking color with confident, secure brushstroke, Hausner achieves a unique engagement in a highly personal way.
纽约论坛画廊(Forum Gallery)将于2019年11月14日至2020年1月11日在美国举办十年来奥地利艺术家塞尼亚·豪斯纳(Xenia Hausner)的第一场画展。自2000年引入美国观众以来,Xenia Hausner已在欧洲、中国以及纽约和洛杉矶广泛展出。目前展出的12幅引人注目的新画作是在2020年4月奥地利维也纳阿尔贝蒂纳博物馆为这位艺术家举办的个人回顾展之前举行的。在本次展览的画作中,Xenia Hausner在回应当代地缘政治问题时探索了当今女性的人性状况。豪斯纳在探索他们的情感和个人生活时,捕捉到了他们的精神和灵魂。这些画直接、戏剧化,在辛辣的叙事中表现大胆。豪斯纳采用醒目的颜色和自信、稳重的笔触,以高度个人化的方式实现了独特的参与。


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