墨西哥女艺术家Dossier Yunuen Esparza当代艺术作品展

■文件名:Dossier Yunuen Esparza 2019
■简介:Yunuen Esparza (b. 1975, Mexico City) earned a Graphics Design degree from the Universidad Intercontinental. Her collection of deconstructivist paintings arise from a desire to inspire the viewer to discover the deep meaning of day-to-day objects, to kindle the pursuit of creative ideas, and to celebrate strength in individuality. Yunuen’s artistic style encompasses a multitude of personal, aesthetic, and cultural references that reflect the plurality of her personal life and contemporary social issues. She often plays with viewers’ perceptions of the traditional and mundane, using augmented reality to complement her message. Yunuen lives and works in Mexico City. Esparzas’s contemporary art has been exhibited at emblematic museums including the Museo Soumaya, Museo Nacional de Arte MUNAL, Centro Nacional de las Artes, MUBO museo de la bolsa and Mexico City’s Metro System. She has exhibited internationally in New York City, Vienna, Madrid, Málaga, Montreal, Bari Italy and San Diego尤努恩·埃斯帕扎(1975年生于墨西哥城)获得了洲际大学的图形设计学位。她收集的解构主义绘画作品旨在激发观众发现日常物体的深层含义,激发对创意的追求,并颂扬个性的力量。尤努恩的艺术风格包含了大量的个人、审美和文化参考,反映了她个人生活和当代社会问题的多样性。她经常利用观众对传统和世俗的看法,利用增强现实来补充她的信息。尤努恩在墨西哥城生活和工作。埃斯帕扎斯的当代艺术在具有象征意义的博物馆展出,包括Soumaya博物馆、MUNAL国家艺术博物馆、las Artes国家艺术中心、Museo de la bolsa博物馆和墨西哥城地铁系统。她曾在纽约、维也纳、马德里、马拉加、蒙特利尔、巴里意大利和圣地亚哥等地进行国际展览


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