Bedding design 家纺纺织品表面印花肌理图案设计

■文件名: Bedding design
■简介:Surface pattern design, illustration, typography and graphic design portfolio for Stacey Zinman Designs. Based in Southern California, Stacey’s designs are inspired by her bright and sunny neighborhood, outdoor living and her time spent as a mother to her young twins. The patterns and designs in this portfolio are happy, bright, colorful, playful, whimsical, bohemian, modern, organic and full of joy. Patterns and designs would be a great fit with products ranging from kids clothing, baby clothing, women’s fashion, bedding, kids bedding, crib sheets, kids accessories, textiles, home decor, fabric, kids fabric, wallpaper, paper goods, party goods and more.

纺织品艺术印花图案大全 面料肌理家纺壁纸服装面料印花设计素材 面料渲染图案素材


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