圣保罗艺术沙龙艺术家集体作品展Saint Paul Art Crawl | Fall 2016

■文件名:Saint Paul Art Crawl | Fall 2016
■简介:The Saint Paul Art Collective has been hosting the Art Crawl since 1991, with the number of participating artists now exceeding 400 and the number of visitors averaging around 38,000 for each semi-annual, three-day event It is truly one of the premiere arts events in the Twin Cities Over the past 25 years, the Saint Paul Art Crawl has evolved from a fun weekend art event to a framework for creating and fostering important, interdependent relationships between the arts community and the residents and businesses of the city of St Paul The Art Collective and its member artists receive a tremendous amount of support from residents, businesses and local government in order to stage an event of this magnitude, and in return they’ve given St Paul a close-knit, vibrant and energetic art community that actively contributes to the greater Twin Cities cultural landscape.


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