国际顶尖男性时尚摄影艺术杂志L’Homme Magazine SL May 2015

■文件名:L’Homme Magazine SL May 2015
概要:Hello Everyone,
Welcome to our May 2015 issue of L’Homme Magazine SL.
First, we’d like to introduce you to our first female on the cover, Giz Seorn and her partner Auster Elan from Gizza. This is the first cover featuring a female designer since our relaunch.
We are very delighted to offer you a preview of the new collections from Gabriel, Samurai Skin and Gizza. Not to mention the exclusive preview collection of Deadwool, Forge, !Aphorism, Taketomi, V-spot and Meva. Plus, the other designers from Zibska, [CX], UW.ST, ColdAsh, Bolson, LikeA, Represent, Reverie, Swallow, Kunst, [sYs] and 7 Deadly S(K)ins.
We have a few guest models and photographers that have joined us for this issue. We also have unique sets of editorials representing male fashion in each of the photographers vision not to mention the section in the magazine called L’Homme Interior.
It is with great sorrow that the tou-Gen-kyo sim is closing, but what a better way to celebrate then with the special advertisement requested by Takeshi Bigbear that includes a message from him. We do hope one day he will reopen the sim again.
Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to the creators, designers, my staff, the guest photographers and models and to everyone that have supported and given me the opportunity to produce this issue.
We are excited about this issue and we hope you will be too!


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