The Howell Book of Dogs名犬大全 300个狗狗品种百科图片大全

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The Howell Book of Dogs is a hardcover, four-color book that will serve as a timeless and authoritative reference for dog owners and those who are considering getting a dog. Approximately 300 breeds and varieties are covered, encompassing AKC breeds, UKC breeds, and many rare breeds,such as the Eurasier, Jagd Terrier, Mi Ki, and Thai Ridgeback. One or more color photos of each breed will supplement text that describes the breed’s origins, physical characteristics, and personality traits. In addition, the book includes an informativesection about dog care and training, making it the only reference book dog owners will ever need
Howell Book of Dogs 是一本精装书,四色书籍,将为狗主人和正在考虑养狗的人提供永恒和权威的参考。涵盖了大约 300 个品种和品种,包括 AKC 品种、UKC 品种和许多稀有品种,如欧亚猎犬、Jagd Terrier、Mi Ki 和 Thai Ridgeback。每个品种的一张或多张彩色照片将补充描述该品种的起源、身体特征和个性特征的文字。此外,这本书还包括一个关于狗护理和训练的信息部分,使其成为狗主人唯一需要的参考书


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