The Portfolio: An Architecture Student’s Handbook 国外大学生建筑作品集

The portfolio is the single most important part of every architectural student’s education. This book proides a complete guide to preparing, compiling and presenting this crucial element of the architecture course.

The experienced author team gives practical advice for the creation of the portfolio covering issues of size, storage, layout and order. They go on to guide the student through the various forms a portfolio can take: the Electronic Portfolio, the Academic Portfolio and the Professional Portfolio suggesting different approaches and different media to use in order to create the strongest portfolio possible. The team also presents the best examples from international student portfolios to show the reader their recommendations in practice. 

The book has a companion website where full colour representations of the best examples of portfolio work can be accessed.

Also in the Seriously Useful Guides series:
* The Dissertation
* The Crit
* Practical Experience

编号:B20191192001 大小:5M
页数:149 软件:Adobe Reader


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