365 Foods Kids Love to Eat: Fun, Nutritious & Kid-Tested!电子版PDF免费下载

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A complete guide to HAPPY, healthy mealtimes Here it is-the cookbook parents have been waiting for, filled with carefully chosen, great tasting, good-for-you, kitchen-tested recipes that appeal to the whole family, especially the kids Encourage healthy attitudes toward food and lifelong, wholesome eating habits with 365 Foods Kids Love to Eat Perfect for busy parents and child-care providers “A book with all the goodies.” -Daily News “As a mother and pediatrician, I have found this book to be full of healthful recipes that kids really like A must for anyone who has the happy and sometimes perilous job of feeding children.” –Joan Slackman, MD “Parents with children who hate all food (except Lucky Charms) will grasp this book to their breasts with gratitude.” –Fresno Bee

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