城市设计:街道和广场Urban Design: Street and Square 电子书下载

This book, part of a series of four, offers a detailed analysis of urban design, covering the streets, squares and buildings that make up the public face of towns and cities. It outlines the theory of the principal features of urban design from which method is developed and provides a better understanding of the main elements of urban design. This includes the arrangement, design and details of the streets and squares, and the roles they play in city planning这本书是四个系列的一部分,对城市设计进行了详细的分析,涵盖了构成城镇公众形象的街道,广场和建筑物。它概述了城市设计主要特征的理论,并据此提出了方法,并提供了对城市设计主要要素的更好理解。其中包括街道和广场的布置,设计和细节,以及它们在城市规划中扮演的角色


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